Tuesday, October 30, 2007


So, I'm not totally happy with the way this came out. I had something in my head, color-wise, that never really materialized despite huge amounts of help from Miriam and Emily, thank you both a ton! Overall though, I like it, I think?

Anyways, this is a really high res image with a lot of detail i nthe background etc that gets lost, so, yeah, I dunno why I'm saying that. Enjoy readers, whomever you are! ;-)


lindsey olivares said...

i really like this j holt, but i already told you that in creepy emails from yourself

Jonathan said...

Haha! Thanks! I really appreciated that creepy e-mail as well ;-)

Dan said...

You got some crazy curvilinear perspective in there Tibbitts. I meant to ask: what's the story with this one? Did the monkey steal the wizard's +3 to mana regen potion and/or stone of jordan? :)

Jonathan said...

haha, No, something more basic and essential, his wine. :-)